Can ozone kill the cause of pet odors?
No matter how much you clean and scrub, odors can still linger. Rather than overexertion or just trying to mask an odor, get to the source! Ozone can destroy the microorganisms that cause the odor once and for all. Odor-causing pathogens hide in the cracks and crevasses, in the carpet, behind those shelves that never move, under the stove, the big spaces that you just can’t reach and the small hidden that you just can’t see – ozone infiltrates those unreachable spots to eliminate the toughest odors, and it does it all naturally.
For a DIY solution:
The first step has to be eliminating the source of the odor. Eliminating cat urine odor while leaving carpet or subflooring that have been saturated with urine but sequentially dried will result in the odor returning if and when the surface gets exposed to humidity or moisture.
Second, follow-up with a baking soda-based. Sodium bicarbonate, the substance baking soda is comprised of, is great at absorbing odors.
One way to put it to use against urine odor is to sprinkle it on the carpet or furniture after you’ve cleaned your cat’s urine and the area has thoroughly dried.
After sprinkling, let it sit for an hour or longer, then vacuum it up.
You can use MountainPeak Ozone Generator and this recipe:
1 cup crushed, dried herbs (rosemary, southernwood, lavender, etc.)
1 teaspoon ground cloves
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking soda
Once you have your house smelling fresh and clean, you can usually keep it that way by providing your cat with healthy food, a clean litter box, and regular brushing. If you need a temporary quick fix and use things such as air fresheners, you can use MountainPeak Ozone Generator.
Ozone (O3) is created by separating an oxygen molecule (O2) into individual oxygen atoms (O) and then reattaching one atom to another oxygen molecule. The third atom is naturally unstable and will reattach itself to a pollutant, beginning the oxidation process. Ozone attacks pollutants, such as mold, bacteria, and other biologicals through this oxidation, breaking down the cell wall and destroying the cell so it can no longer reproduce.
More potent odors mean more odor-causing molecules are present – therefore, a longer treatment may be needed. After applying an ozone treatment, your space is left smelling like fresh laundry hung on the line! The only byproduct of the process is oxygen. No harsh chemicals are used. No harsh chemicals are left behind. It’s completely safe and environmentally friendly for you and your pets after treatment.
No matter how much you clean and scrub, odors can still linger. Rather than overexertion or just trying to mask an odor, get to the source! Ozone can destroy the microorganisms that cause the odor once and for all. Odor-causing pathogens hide in the cracks and crevasses, in the carpet, behind those shelves that never move, under the stove, the big spaces that you just can’t reach and the small hidden that you just can’t see – ozone infiltrates those unreachable spots to eliminate the toughest odors, and it does it all naturally.
For a DIY solution:
The first step has to be eliminating the source of the odor. Eliminating cat urine odor while leaving carpet or subflooring that have been saturated with urine but sequentially dried will result in the odor returning if and when the surface gets exposed to humidity or moisture.
Second, follow-up with a baking soda-based. Sodium bicarbonate, the substance baking soda is comprised of, is great at absorbing odors.
One way to put it to use against urine odor is to sprinkle it on the carpet or furniture after you’ve cleaned your cat’s urine and the area has thoroughly dried.
After sprinkling, let it sit for an hour or longer, then vacuum it up.
You can use MountainPeak Ozone Generator and this recipe:
1 cup crushed, dried herbs (rosemary, southernwood, lavender, etc.)
1 teaspoon ground cloves
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking soda
Once you have your house smelling fresh and clean, you can usually keep it that way by providing your cat with healthy food, a clean litter box, and regular brushing. If you need a temporary quick fix and use things such as air fresheners, you can use MountainPeak Ozone Generator.
Ozone (O3) is created by separating an oxygen molecule (O2) into individual oxygen atoms (O) and then reattaching one atom to another oxygen molecule. The third atom is naturally unstable and will reattach itself to a pollutant, beginning the oxidation process. Ozone attacks pollutants, such as mold, bacteria, and other biologicals through this oxidation, breaking down the cell wall and destroying the cell so it can no longer reproduce.
More potent odors mean more odor-causing molecules are present – therefore, a longer treatment may be needed. After applying an ozone treatment, your space is left smelling like fresh laundry hung on the line! The only byproduct of the process is oxygen. No harsh chemicals are used. No harsh chemicals are left behind. It’s completely safe and environmentally friendly for you and your pets after treatment.